Hexxagon screenshot
Hexxagon gameplay screenshot
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Based on 18 user ratings
Page views: 26,869
Shareware ($20)
Up to 2 players, Turn based shared keyboard
For Kids:
320 × 200
hexx.zip - 556k - Run HEXX.EXE to play
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Hexxagon screenshot
Hexxagon gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 5
An extremely enjoyable puzzle game. It's quite similar to Reversi/Othello, except with a hexagon grid rather than a square grid. The object is to take over the gameboard (which can be edited by the user and saved) with marbles (gems?) of your own color. It includes a single player vs. computer option (with three skill levels) and also a two player option. Definitely fun to play, as it's got a really nice looking interface, and, on the 'easy' setting, I can sometimes actually win! :)
** HEXXAGON - The Animated Strategy Game **
** From Software Creations & Argo Games. **
Immerse yourself in one of the most enjoy-
able and richly crafted games to date. Over 
a MEG of animated 256 color VGA graphics & 
digital sound make this game an instant 
classic! One-on-one or play vs computer.
Req: VGA, 286 or above. SB support. 

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Hexxagon, #319. Added to website: 2018-01-12. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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