Kuno Kannix screenshot
Kuno Kannix gameplay screenshot
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Shareware (DM 10.00)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200
KUNO.ZIP - 221k - Run KUNO.BAT to play
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Kuno Kannix screenshot
Kuno Kannix gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 3
Kuno Kannix is a German platformer game. You (a chef) must run and jump your way through the levels, avoiding possibly Burger Time influenced enemies. Sometimes you will find an exclamation mark which allows you to clear walls by touching a question mark. Other times you might find weaponry (not sure exactly what) that you shoot at enemies. It takes a little getting used to, but it works well enough, and it has Soundblaster sounds, so that's something. Even though it's in German it's easy enough to play without being able to read every word. There is a password system if you're patient enough to write down passwords. (The release year of 1996 is a guess, since the file dates in the only copy I found were 2024. The guess is based on the fact that the included docs mention the "Pentium 90" which was released in 1995, so this game must have come out after that.)

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Kuno Kannix, #2145. Added to website: 2025-01-17. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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