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For Kids:
320 × 240

vikings.zip - 1,026k - Run VIKINGS.EXE to play
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The Lost Vikings Full Version (https://us.battle.net/account/download/#classic, 2,563k) - The full version of the game courtesy of Blizzard.

This demo version of the innovative Lost Vikings game gives you a taste of the fairly unique gameplay this game provides. It's a platform game where the object of each short level is to get to the exit; the twist is that you must get all three of the "lost vikings" to the exit, and each of them has their own special power to help them. Nice graphics, sound effects and controls round out a well made package that no doubt influenced later games like Trine. Although really, Gobliiins was released first ... (Note that you can press Alt-Q to quit the game.) Blizzard has made the full version of The Lost Vikings available for free; download it here!
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The Lost Vikings, #455. Added to website: 2018-02-18. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.