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Based on 2 user ratings
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Shareware (Unknown)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 400

mather.zip - 46k - Run MATHER.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2.5
Mather is a text-mode math game. If that description doesn't stir excitement within your soul, I don't know what will! Anyways, the aim of this game is ostensibly to help children improve their math skills. And what better way to do so than to bribe them via rampant consumerism? As you answer questions you earn money which can be used to buy in-game virtual prizes, like "A 386 33mhz computer", "The latest in VCRs", and "The Presidency". (All things any child would covet!) This is a strange game which likely won't hold the attention of a child for more than a couple of minutes but it does work decently enough and it's a much different game than any of Moraffware's other titles so it stands out for that fact alone!
Mather is a text-mode math game. If that description doesn't stir excitement within your soul, I don't know what will! Anyways, the aim of this game is ostensibly to help children improve their math skills. And what better way to do so than to bribe them via rampant consumerism? As you answer questions you earn money which can be used to buy in-game virtual prizes, like "A 386 33mhz computer", "The latest in VCRs", and "The Presidency". (All things any child would covet!) This is a strange game which likely won't hold the attention of a child for more than a couple of minutes but it does work decently enough and it's a much different game than any of Moraffware's other titles so it stands out for that fact alone!
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Mather, #914. Added to website: 2019-06-20. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.