Megagopoly screenshot
Megagopoly gameplay screenshot
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Shareware ($15)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 400
MEGAF.ZIP - 91k - Run MEGAF.EXE to play
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Megagopoly screenshot
Megagopoly gameplay screenshot Review:  Rating: 2.5
Megagopoly is not a Monopoly clone, unlike what you may assume from its similar name. It's a financial investing simulator where each in-game year you are presented with investment options, and you need to try to guess the best investments with the goal of earning enough to become "financially independent" within 20 years. It seems like mostly luck; you're given some odds for each investment but just have to hope for the best. Everything is presented in text mode so the visuals are not too appealing. There are some random events (expenses) that pop up after each year. You can even occasionally bet on sporting events. Not a bad idea in theory but not terribly exciting or interesting to play.

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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Megagopoly, #1919. Added to website: 2023-09-26. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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