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Shareware (Unknown)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200

stones31.zip - 157k - Run STONES.EXE to play
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Moraff's Stones is a table game where the object is to trade stones with your three opponents, trying to achieve the best hand by the end of the round. You must ante up 74 silvers each round to stay in the game. You win when you exhaust all of your opponents' supplies. This is a one player game, so you are somewhat at the mercy of the AI players. The difficulty increases the longer you survive in the game. There is an element of randomness to the proceedings since you don't know 4/7 stones that each of your opponents are holding, and since they are not real people it's hard to "get into their heads" so to speak! The setting of the game is novel since it takes place within the general world of one of Moraff's RPG games, Moraff's World.
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.
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Moraff's Stones, #908. Added to website: 2019-06-11. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.