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Shareware ($5)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200

nerak2.zip - 359k - Run NERAK.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 3
Nerakian Adventure is a traditional CRPG created using the DCGames RPG creation system. As such it presents the same basic look and feel as other games created using the system such as Rescue of Lorri in Lorrinitron. You wander around various towns and other locations on a world map using hotkeys to interact with the world: Talking to people, opening chests, using items. You can fight things to gain EXP and money. It has an endearing title screen. Personally it's not my kind of game but if you love games of this type it's worth checking out.
Nerakian Adventure is a traditional CRPG created using the DCGames RPG creation system. As such it presents the same basic look and feel as other games created using the system such as Rescue of Lorri in Lorrinitron. You wander around various towns and other locations on a world map using hotkeys to interact with the world: Talking to people, opening chests, using items. You can fight things to gain EXP and money. It has an endearing title screen. Personally it's not my kind of game but if you love games of this type it's worth checking out.
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Nerakian Adventure, #1832. Added to website: 2023-06-22. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.