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Shareware ($8)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350

_nl.zip - 45k - Run NL.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 4
Numbers & Logic is actually a collection of three different number-based logic games. The first is Maze 8, where you need to find the path through the maze which gives you the lowest sum total of the spaces you move through. The second is Find 9, where you have to find squares of 9 numbers which are all unique (contain numbers 1-9). And the third is Dial 10, where you must rotate concentric circles of numbers to have unique numbers (again 1-9) in each quadrant of the circle. Each game plays well enough and contains in-game instructions. It will also show you the solution if you give up which is a nice feature.
Numbers & Logic is actually a collection of three different number-based logic games. The first is Maze 8, where you need to find the path through the maze which gives you the lowest sum total of the spaces you move through. The second is Find 9, where you have to find squares of 9 numbers which are all unique (contain numbers 1-9). And the third is Dial 10, where you must rotate concentric circles of numbers to have unique numbers (again 1-9) in each quadrant of the circle. Each game plays well enough and contains in-game instructions. It will also show you the solution if you give up which is a nice feature.
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Numbers & Logic I, #1581. Added to website: 2021-10-28. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.