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Shareware (Postcard)
Single player
For Kids:
312 × 196

pac.zip - 528k - Run PAC.EXE to play
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Pac is a Pac-Man with a few novel gameplay mechanics, which were actually implemented due to the limitations of the RDS Game-Maker GCS which was used to create it. Like the classic game, your goal is to collect all the dots in the maze and avoid the ghosts. Here instead of letting you eat the ghosts, the power pellets allow you to fire shots at them. The level also scrolls (in the signature janky GM way) to see the entire level. There are apparently many levels in this game all with different layouts but it will be difficult to see them since you only get a single life, so one hit and your game is done!
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.
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Pac, #1961. Added to website: 2023-11-05. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.