Pharmacy screenshot
Pharmacy gameplay screenshot
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640 × 350
Pharmacy screenshot
Pharmacy gameplay screenshot
PHRMCY22.ZIP - 73k - Run PHARMACY.EXE to play
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Play online in browser Review:  Rating: 3.5
Pharmacy is a Dr Mario clone. Strangely, the included docs only reference Tetris: "Pharmacy is similar to Tetris, only more addictive." This game was released about four years after Dr Mario, so there's clearly some influence there. Maybe they were hoping Nintendo wouldn't mind as long as they didn't mention Dr Mario? Anyways, the goal here is to match four of the same color pill segments/viruses to clear them from the well. Once you get rid of all the viruses you move to the next level. It plays fine, and looks decent although pretty plain. (There are some graphical glitches related to the mouse, but it may be a DOSBox issue, and it doesn't affect the gameplay.) There are some minimal options, and you can even play a simultaneous two-player game which is a neat feature.
One player mode:
Left arrow Move pill left
Right arrow Move pill right
Up arrow Rotate pill one way
Down arrow Rotate pill the other way
Spacebar Fast drop pill

Two-player mode, left player:
X Move pill left
C Move pill right
Q Rotate pill one way
A Rotate pill the other way
Z Fast drop pill

Two-player mode, right player:
, Move pill left
. Move pill right
] Rotate pill one way
' Rotate pill the other way
/ Fast drop pill
Pharmacy v2.2: Tetris-like game where the
objective is to destroy the germs by using
the constantly falling medicine pills.

Play Pharmacy in Browser

Game will not be saved after closing your browser. Download and install the game if you want to save.
CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down. See Instructions section above for help playing the game!

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Pharmacy, #1913. Added to website: 2023-09-21. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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