Poof screenshot
Poof gameplay screenshot
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320 × 200
Poof screenshot
Poof gameplay screenshot
e_poof.zip - 98k - Run POOF.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2.5
Poof is a DOS version of the "Peg Solitaire" game which you may have played before on a wooden board using pegs or marbles. The object is to clear the board of pegs by "jumping" over each one until there is only one peg left on the board. The board itself is the same in each level but the layout of the pegs changes, getting more difficult as the levels progress. The gameplay is pretty basic but it's presented well, with some star animations and background music. There are a total of 10 levels to play through.
║   E C L I P S E   presents  ║
║                             ║
║   ┌──────────────────────┐  ║
║   │        POOF   V1.11  │  ║
║   └──────────────────────┘  ║
║                             ║
║   ┌──────────────────────┐  ║
║   │                      │  ║
║   │The ultimate solitaire│  ║
║   │(Bugs Fixed)          │  ║
║   └──────────────────────┘  ║
║                             ║
║   Released 28th Fev 1994    ║
║   Requires a 386 processor  ║
║   SB/SB Pro/SB 16/GUS       ║

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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Poof, #852. Added to website: 2019-03-12. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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