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Based on 2 user ratings
Page views: 7,652
Shareware ($12)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350
DOSBox Cycles:
3000 (Approximate)

rampcube.zip - 77k - Run RAMPCUBE.EXE to play
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Rampcube is a Klax-like game (released around the time that Klax became popular) which involves dropping differed color pieces down a grid. The main differences between this and Klax are that here you are trying to make cubes not lines, and the perspective is warped making it difficult to pay attention to where you're dropping the cubes. Seriously the perspective makes this game difficult to get used to, especially since you only have a limited amount of time to drop your piece before it's automatically dropped for you. Another game from the seemingly limitless supply of Soleau Software games!
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Rampcube, #1145. Added to website: 2020-07-02. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.