Rayman Designer screenshot
Rayman Designer gameplay screenshot
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For Kids:
320 × 200
rayman_d.zip - 5,008k - Run RAYKIT.BAT to play
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Rayman Designer screenshot
Rayman Designer gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 4.5
Rayman is a popular console character with many games available in the series for a number of platforms, but not many people know that there were Rayman games made for PC as well, including DOS. Rayman Designer is a bit of a strange one. Released as a Windows game with a Windows-based level editor, the game itself runs in DOS, and is presumably based on earlier Rayman titles. As with most Rayman games your goal is to make it to the end of the level, jumping and punching your way through enemies and many obstacles. This demo version provides you with some of the levels from the full game, and of course no level editor. The gameplay is fluid and the graphics and sounds are great. Get ready for some long loading times but playing this game could easily fool you into thinking this was a release for a 90's gaming console. (This game is sometimes associated with Rayman Gold, since Rayman Designer was included on the CD release of Rayman Gold.) Thanks goes to Mr Fibble of DOS Games Archive for providing the pre-installed and configured version of the demo used here.

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Rayman Designer, #1176. Added to website: 2020-08-02. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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