Space Shades screenshot
Space Shades gameplay screenshot
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Page views: 2,368
Shareware ($10)
Up to 2 players, Simultaneous modem competitive
For Kids:
640 × 350
DOSBox Cycles:
5000 (Approximate)
Space Shades screenshot
Space Shades gameplay screenshot
SHADES30.ZIP - 459k - Run SHADES.EXE to play
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Play online in browser Review:  Rating: 3
Space Shades is a space exploration and conquest game. It presents a 3D(ish) cockpit view, while requiring using many command-line type directives to control your ship since most of the game other than the cockpit is handled in text. The goal is to seek out and destroy your enemy before he destroys you. You are given freedom to move around the universe as you please, to take over planets, etc. Reading the included documentation (including a tutorial walkthrough) is probably a must in order to understand the game if you haven't played before. It offers two-player play but requires use of a modem (or simulated interface) to connect two computers running the game together.
Space Shades - is a 3D space flight
simulator game that places you in the
cockpit of a Space Cruiser. 
Description Copyright 1994 PsL

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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Space Shades, #1947. Added to website: 2023-10-18. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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