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Shareware (Unknown)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350

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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 3
Stellar Police is a turn-based RPG project created by two young friends. Unlike most PC RPG games which take place in fantasy or sci-fi settings, this game takes place on a Hawaiian island. This sort of game is really not my favorite so I admit I didn't play it much at all, just long enough to get it working. (It seems to require being in the C:\SP directory to work.) That said, it seems like it has decent graphics, and although the controls are menu-based they at least seem clearly laid out. However based on the available documentation, a large part of the content seems available only via registration, so the shareware version lacks part of the map, all of the sound effects, etc.
Stellar Police is a turn-based RPG project created by two young friends. Unlike most PC RPG games which take place in fantasy or sci-fi settings, this game takes place on a Hawaiian island. This sort of game is really not my favorite so I admit I didn't play it much at all, just long enough to get it working. (It seems to require being in the C:\SP directory to work.) That said, it seems like it has decent graphics, and although the controls are menu-based they at least seem clearly laid out. However based on the available documentation, a large part of the content seems available only via registration, so the shareware version lacks part of the map, all of the sound effects, etc.
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Stellar Police, #1843. Added to website: 2023-07-14. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.