User Rating:
Based on 6 user ratings
Page views: 11,563
Shareware (29.95DM)
Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200
DOSBox Cycles:
8000 (Approximate)
Official Website
* Archived, Feb 1998
* Archived, Feb 1998

STONE.ZIP - 710k - Run STONE.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 3
Stonebreaker is an Arkanoid clone that doesn't stray too far from its source material. There are bricks, arranged in various shapes, and you must break them using a ball and your trusty paddle. The game works well using the mouse, although the trajectory of the ball when it leaves your paddle feels unnatural; there seem to be only 2-3 angles and it doesn't seem to change naturally depending where the ball hits. Graphics are decent but a little strange ... why is there a cartoon lady taking up the right portion of the screen? Anyways, there are lots of Arkanoid clones for DOS, and this is definitely one of them that has some polish, so if you're a fan of the genre it's worth taking a look at it.
Stonebreaker is an Arkanoid clone that doesn't stray too far from its source material. There are bricks, arranged in various shapes, and you must break them using a ball and your trusty paddle. The game works well using the mouse, although the trajectory of the ball when it leaves your paddle feels unnatural; there seem to be only 2-3 angles and it doesn't seem to change naturally depending where the ball hits. Graphics are decent but a little strange ... why is there a cartoon lady taking up the right portion of the screen? Anyways, there are lots of Arkanoid clones for DOS, and this is definitely one of them that has some polish, so if you're a fan of the genre it's worth taking a look at it.
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Stonebreaker, #764. Added to website: 2018-11-23. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.