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Shareware ($15)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350

supermax.zip - 62k - Run SUPERMAX.EXE to play
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Super Maxit is a puzzle / strategy game where you attempt to beat the CPU player in a high-scores contest. It's based on much older (non "super") versions with the same concept, the earliest being a release on the Commodore PET back in 1978! How you play: You get (or lose) points by choosing from the available tiles on the board. You can only choose a tile from the current horizontal row; the computer then chooses from the vertical row. You keep taking turns until the board runs out of numbers and then see who wins. There are several different board layouts to choose from. It's a neat idea but the boards are quite large so games will take a while to finish. Also I'm not sure how much strategy there really is, but check it out if it sounds interesting to you.
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.
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Super Maxit, #1889. Added to website: 2023-08-25. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.