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For Kids:
320 × 200

saleacer.zip - 86k - Run SALEACER.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2
Super Sales Acer is a simple platforming game where the object is to "touch all the special bricks and turn them into ordinary ones. Why? Wouldn't be much of a game otherwise." Straight from the documentation! The first level has no obstacles at all, but later levels have many stationary or moving enemies to avoid. You get three lives and die in a single hit. Judging from the title screen and included files, you get a total of nine levels. It does include C source code so you can take a look at how the game was programmed. Generally not a super well-designed or developed game (controls are a little wonky, see the instructions on this page or on the title screen) but it works and has a decent title screen! (The author notes it was one of the first games he ever made so, given that, it's pretty good.)
Super Sales Acer is a simple platforming game where the object is to "touch all the special bricks and turn them into ordinary ones. Why? Wouldn't be much of a game otherwise." Straight from the documentation! The first level has no obstacles at all, but later levels have many stationary or moving enemies to avoid. You get three lives and die in a single hit. Judging from the title screen and included files, you get a total of nine levels. It does include C source code so you can take a look at how the game was programmed. Generally not a super well-designed or developed game (controls are a little wonky, see the instructions on this page or on the title screen) but it works and has a decent title screen! (The author notes it was one of the first games he ever made so, given that, it's pretty good.)
E Up
X Down
S Left
D Right
Space Jump
Press S or D to start moving, press the same direction again to stop moving.
E Up
X Down
S Left
D Right
Space Jump
Press S or D to start moving, press the same direction again to stop moving.
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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down. See Instructions section above for help playing the game!
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Super Sales Acer, #1521. Added to website: 2021-07-02. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.