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Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200

shotacer.zip - 85k - Run SHOTACER.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 1.5
Super Shooting Acer is the type of game that a young programmer creates as one of their first offerings to the world. It's a simple shooting game, where you must press the appropriate number button 1-5 to shoot bad guys as they pop up (but don't shoot the good guys), all of which are apparently digital scans of low-res photos of the authors friends/relatives. It plays well enough but is of course not designed to be played for more than a minute or two. Source code in C is included.
Super Shooting Acer is the type of game that a young programmer creates as one of their first offerings to the world. It's a simple shooting game, where you must press the appropriate number button 1-5 to shoot bad guys as they pop up (but don't shoot the good guys), all of which are apparently digital scans of low-res photos of the authors friends/relatives. It plays well enough but is of course not designed to be played for more than a minute or two. Source code in C is included.
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Super Shooting Acer, #1719. Added to website: 2022-10-19. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.