Teaching Tiles screenshot
Teaching Tiles gameplay screenshot
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Shareware ($10)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 480
Teaching Tiles screenshot
Teaching Tiles gameplay screenshot
teachingtiles.zip - 257k - Run TILES.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2.5
Teaching Tiles is a pretty average "contentration" type tile matching game for kids. (Or adults who want to exercise their memory, I guess.) It offers four variations on the "turn over two tiles/cards and see if they match" type game, using colors, letters, math problems, and pictures. It offers mouse-based control which is almost necessary for this type of game, and the different types of matching games adds some variety, but most kids would probably get bored of it pretty quickly.
Teaching Tiles - A problem solving and 
picture matching game. A "Concentration" 
style tool that increases one's memory 
skills. Teaches colors, letters of the 
alphabet, and math. Uncover one tile at a 
time, then try to find its matching "answer" 
tile next... This program can be a specially 
joyful learning experience for young 
children, and yet provide a formidable 
challenge for adults.

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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Teaching Tiles, #1458. Added to website: 2021-03-31. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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