Wrath of Sona screenshot
Wrath of Sona gameplay screenshot
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Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200
Wrath of Sona screenshot
Wrath of Sona gameplay screenshot
wrathsona.zip - 6,319k - Run WRATH.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2.5
Wrath of Sona is a classic-style turn-based RPG developed in QuickBasic (as is evident by the fact that the source code is included). The story involves your character becoming a "mage knight" only to have your master killed just as you were about to learn the most powerful magic spell. The graphics are decent although the environments are quite sparse; the houses are rather empty. Also the portraits of the NPCs seem to be random photos downloaded from the Internet, including possibly some famous people? In any case, an interesting and different RPG experience.

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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The Wrath of Sona, #1053. Added to website: 2020-02-18. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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