Turbo 10,000 screenshot
Turbo 10,000 gameplay screenshot
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Page views: 5,310
Shareware ($10)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350
DOSBox Cycles:
3000 (Approximate)
Turbo 10,000 screenshot
Turbo 10,000 gameplay screenshot
tdice.zip - 61k - Run TDICE.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2
Turbo 10,000 is a version of the Dice 10,000 range of dice games. It's sort of like Farkle and sorta like Yahtzee and other dice games, but with its own unique rules. (See Wikipedia link or in-game instructions.) In Turbo 10,000 the dice sides numbered one and five are the most important. By rolling these numbers (and other combinations) you're racing against your opponents to score 10,000 points. The "Turbo" part comes from the additional Turbo dice rolled each turn which give you a chance to steal points from your opponents. You can play against up to four people or CPU opponents. The game itself seems like mostly luck but you do need to make some choices during the game.
Computer version of a popular dice
game called 10,000.  From 1 to 4 may
play.  Options to change opponents from
human to computer, plus other ways to
score.  Tracks high score.  Great
Graphics !!!

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Turbo 10,000, #1559. Added to website: 2021-08-27. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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