Ultimate Blackjack screenshot
Ultimate Blackjack gameplay screenshot
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Shareware ($13)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 350
ubj35.zip - 339k - Run UBJ.EXE to play
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Ultimate Blackjack screenshot
Ultimate Blackjack gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 4.5
Ultimate Blackjack is a fun simulation of the popular card game. Often played in casinos around the world for real money, here you can wager as much as you want without worrying about losing your shirt. You can play against up to four computer opponents plus the dealer. The game uses the mouse which makes control easy but you can also use the keyboard. There are a colorful cast of characters you can select from and each has their own way of playing and level of risk. The game even provides a chart of what action is "best" given the current situation (ie, should you hit, stand, etc) via its Tutor option. Overall it's a well done game with a decent amount of personality; the other characters always comment whether they win or lose.
Go where no blackjack player has gone
before, into the ULTIMATE zone!  Enter a
fully animated casino card game and gambling
school. Set the number of decks, change
casino rules, play with computer characters,
learn card counting.  $10 + $3 S&
Games - Card

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Ultimate Blackjack, #1957. Added to website: 2023-10-27. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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