Zorak: The Mountain of Terror screenshot
Zorak: The Mountain of Terror gameplay screenshot
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320 × 200
Zorak: The Mountain of Terror screenshot
Zorak: The Mountain of Terror gameplay screenshot
zorak100.zip - 109k - Run ZORAK.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 1.5
Zorak is an Ultima-inspired CRPG with a fantasy setting. The author notes that the game is a "prototype" so I don't know exactly how much of it is actually completed, and there are no registration instructions despite it being labeled in-game as shareware. It was also meant to show off the author's upcoming (and presumably cancelled) game-making system to make games like this yourself dubbed the "Asylum Game System". The game itself sticks firmly to Ultima tropes, including the graphics and gameplay elements, with some droning MIDI music in the background. You can try to talk to people, however you'd better know the right keywords to get them to speak. You can also attack people in the city, which will result in being thrown in jail. There's a large world to explore but not much story development that I could find beyond the introductory message. The hotkeys are not listed anywhere so you'll need to use trial and error. Probably worth trying for nostalgia only, it's not really a fully-functional game.

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Zorak: The Mountain of Terror, #2033. Added to website: 2024-01-29. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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