Category description: From the original Pong game which ignited the video game craze, to it's many later variations (mostly stemming from the later Breakout game) it's amazing how much variety games that center around hitting a ball with a paddle can have!
Pong 97
Views: 2,0321997FreewareBall & Paddle
DarkDreams Software
Pong 97 (no relation to Hong Kong 97 ...) is a one or two player Pong game. You can play against the CPU or another … VIEW
Pong Kombat
Views: 10,9571994FreewareBall & Paddle
Gagne Software
Ever wanted to play a parody of Pong done in a Mortal Kombat style? Well, uh, then you're a weirdo and this is the … VIEW
Pong Worz
Views: 4,8222003FreewareBall & Paddle
Lachie Dazdarian
Pong Worz is a competently made Pong game, with a few graphical improvements and gameplay modifications to keep things … VIEW
Views: 19,0201988FreewareBall & Paddle
Lacral Software
Popcorn is a famous Arkanoid clone created in 1988 by a pair of French developers, Christophe Lacaze (code) and … VIEW
Views: 13,0872000Full versionBall & Paddle
POW Productions
Powball is a nice looking Arkanoid clone. There are various types of blocks to break, various powerups, and a generally … VIEW
Psycho Pong
Views: 6,0151995FreewareBall & Paddle
Dungeon Dwellers Design
Psycho Pong is a two-player competitive Pong game with a twist. Or rather, a rotation. As you begin to play, the playing … VIEW
Views: 9,0411998FreewareBall & Paddle
Fifth Dimension Company
Pulsoid is an Arkanoid-like game with high-res graphics and decent production values. It's unfortunately not that much … VIEW
Views: 2,3851998FreewareBall & Paddle
Michael Fogleman
QB-Bounce is a Breakout / Arkanoid clone written in QuickBasic. It features square-shaped blocks that you must remove by … VIEW
Views: 6,0211992SharewareBall & Paddle
Progressive Software
Rebound is described as an "arcade style game combining pinball and billiards". That's a bit of an optimistic … VIEW
Views: 1,1551984FreewareBall & Paddle
Tim McClarren
Smashout is a Breakout clone written in BASIC. Although distributed as a .BAS file (so you can see the source code) you … VIEW