Category description: Create your own games with these game creation systems. You COULD program your own games totally from scratch without using one of these systems. But GCSs aim to make this task easier for aspiring game designers by providing easy to use tools to create games. Some impressive results can be made using these systems, and many developers enjoy working within the limitations imposed and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
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Super ZZT

Views: 17,9671992SharewareGame Creation Systems Epic Megagames
The sequel to the classic ASCII game / game creation system ZZT, "Super ZZT" doesn't offer many improvements over its … VIEW


Views: 22,1022003FreewareGame Creation Systems Mickey Crocker
Text-World is a text adventure game creation system which attempts to simplify the process of creating games compared to … VIEW


Views: 36,3331991Full versionGame Creation Systems Epic Megagames
Before Epic Games (creators of the Unreal series and now the mega-hit Fortnite) even became known as Epic Megagames, Tim … VIEW

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