Category description: Now referred to as "shoot-em-ups" or the short form "shmups", these often sci-fi based games can be the ultimate test of a player's reflexes. "Bullet hell" games fill the screen with projectiles and other obstacles, as the player attempts to navigate their ship among them, blasting everything on screen.
Views: 2,3031994SharewareSpace Shooting
Vivvid Technologies
BattleStar is an arcade-like game that is probably quite similar to an arcade game or Atari 2600 game that I can't … VIEW
Blast Zone
Views: 15,5741996SharewareSpace Shooting
ZoneSoft Software
Blast Zone is, as it is described by its own authors, a "typical shoot'em up game with powerups, hordes of really … VIEW
Cash Invaders
Views: 17,5712002FreewareSpace Shooting
Bas de Reuver
Cash Invaders is a really cool looking (and playing) Space Invaders variant, which includes 100 levels of shooting … VIEW
Cheesy Invaders
Views: 8,6951994SharewareSpace Shooting
Cheesy Software
Cheesy Invaders is a quirky interpretation of Space Invaders. You control the ship with your mouse, and blast invaders. … VIEW
Cosmo Dragon
Views: 11,9871997FreewareSpace Shooting
Steven H Don
Cosmo Dragon is a simplistic but competently done shmup / shoot-em-up involving a ... space dragon, who must shoot … VIEW
Deep Fortress: The First Line of Defense
Views: 11,2641996SharewareSpace Shooting
First Step Software
This helicopter shooting game boasts pretty impressive effects and production values for a mostly unknown shareware … VIEW
Views: 3,3222000FreewareSpace Shooting
Dynamic is an impressive space shooter which was coded in QuickBasic. You are a ... space ship, and your job is to blast … VIEW
Earth Invasion
Views: 9,7211992SharewareSpace Shooting
OSP Entertainment
Earth Invasion is a simple one-on-one (or one-on-two, three, etc) space shooting / fighting game. There is a … VIEW