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Shareware ($25)
Single player
For Kids:
640 × 400

gridlk20.zip - 97k - Run GL.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review: Rating: 2
Ever wanted to manually control every traffic intersection in a city? Gridlock allows you to do just that. Your goal is to set up intersections to ensure optimal flow of traffic. You can assign different types of traffic flow to each place. You can test particular routes. Or you can run a full-scale test with all of the cars. Most of the game is in text mode but the observation mode to view the cars is in a graphics mode. The interface is not particularly easy to use, and there is a lot of text in the included docs to try to explain how everything works. This game is definitely not for everyone but maybe someone out there will really like it?
Ever wanted to manually control every traffic intersection in a city? Gridlock allows you to do just that. Your goal is to set up intersections to ensure optimal flow of traffic. You can assign different types of traffic flow to each place. You can test particular routes. Or you can run a full-scale test with all of the cars. Most of the game is in text mode but the observation mode to view the cars is in a graphics mode. The interface is not particularly easy to use, and there is a lot of text in the included docs to try to explain how everything works. This game is definitely not for everyone but maybe someone out there will really like it?
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Gridlock, #1964. Added to website: 2023-11-09. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.