OHR RPG CE screenshot
OHR RPG CE gameplay screenshot
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Single player
For Kids:
320 × 200
OHR RPG CE screenshot
OHR RPG CE gameplay screenshot
ohrrpg.zip - 1,501k
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 4
Although I have little experience with this strangely named game creation system, the end results of this program can be quite impressive. This is a game creation system taylored specifically to the creation of role playing games. It does not seem to be a very easy program to learn to use properly, so be sure to make use of resources available on the official website. Recent versions of the source code are available under the GPL. All newer versions of this software are released in Windows and Linux versions only, though the original DOS version will remain available. If you're looking to build a new game using this engine, you should probably use a recent Windows version.

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Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine, #267. Added to website: 2017-12-27. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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