Bob the Hamster
Views: 11,6701994GPLPuzzle
Hamster Republic
Clearly inspired by classic arcade games like Boulderdash, Mr. Do! and Dig Dug, Bob the Hamster is a decent remake that … VIEW
Capt'n Squiddy's Bootleg Push-Push
Views: 4,0672005FreewarePuzzle
Capt'n Squiddy
Capt'n Squiddy's Bootleg Push-Push is a Sokoban variant that is pretty decent overall. Apparently a version of Sokoban … VIEW
Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Construction Engine
Views: 17,1552001FreewareGame Creation Systems
Hamster Republic
Although I have little experience with this strangely named game creation system, the end results of this program can be … VIEW