War of the Mages screenshot
War of the Mages gameplay screenshot
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Based on 1 user rating
Page views: 4,449
Shareware (Up to the user)
Up to 99 players, Turn based shared keyboard competitive
For Kids:
640 × 400
War of the Mages screenshot
War of the Mages gameplay screenshot
MAGEWARS.zip - 118k - Run WM32A.EXE to play
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DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 2.5
War of the Mages is a text-mode turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. You start the game by choosing the number of players, and setting a bunch of options that will determine how the game plays. Turns progress through a series of menus where you direct your troops, conquer cities, and perform other actions to gain control of enough cities to win the game. The included documentation (WM32.DOC) seems to be required reading in order to know how the game should be played, so it will take some commitment if you want to try this one, hope you enjoy navigating menus. One unique aspect is that it seems to allow you to specify an unlimited number of players (I tried 99 at it let me do it) so if you happen to have 98 friends around who want to play a DOS strategy game from 1989 ...

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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War of the Mages, #1724. Added to website: 2022-12-09. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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