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Rise of the Robots 2: Resurrection

Rise 2: Resurrection (the official North American title) is the sequel to the original Rise of the Robots one-on-one … VIEW

Risky Woods

Risky Woods is an interesting game release from Electronic Arts, since it's a 2D platformer which is not what the … VIEW

Rock and Bach Studio

Rock and Bach Studio seems like more of a toy than a game, but apparently the full game has a lot more meat to it than … VIEW

Sam & Max: Hit the Road

Views: 36,3711993DemoAdventure LucasArts
Sam & Max features a detective dog and "hyperkinetic" rabbit in a graphical adventure game. This is one of the classic … VIEW

Santa's Xmas Caper

Views: 8,3381993DemoSidescrolling Zeppelin Games
Santa's Xmas Caper is a nice-looking but overall fairly average platforming game where its main claim to fame is the … VIEW


Screamer is a 3D perspective arcade-style racing game. By arcade-style I mean that it is not particularly realistic but … VIEW
Tags: racing  3d  cars  arcade


SEAL Team is a Vietnam War strategy / action game. You control a single soldier, who gives orders to your teammates. As … VIEW

Sensible World of Soccer

Views: 6,7431995DemoSports Sensible Software
Sensible World of Soccer (or on the title screen here just Sensible Soccer) is an arcade-like soccer (aka football) … VIEW


Shadowcaster is a game with an interesting concept that was perhaps overshadowed by the title with the bigger name and … VIEW

Shakii the Wolf

Shakii the Wolf is a platforming game where you control the titular Shakii (who looks more like a fox than a wolf) as he … VIEW

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