Views: 18,9221988FreewareBall & Paddle
Lacral Software
Popcorn is a famous Arkanoid clone created in 1988 by a pair of French developers, Christophe Lacaze (code) and … VIEW
Views: 13,0662000Full versionBall & Paddle
POW Productions
Powball is a nice looking Arkanoid clone. There are various types of blocks to break, various powerups, and a generally … VIEW
Views: 9,0231998FreewareBall & Paddle
Fifth Dimension Company
Pulsoid is an Arkanoid-like game with high-res graphics and decent production values. It's unfortunately not that much … VIEW
Space Breaker: Defender of the Planet Earth
Views: 8051993SharewareBall & Paddle
Path Software
Space Breaker is like Arkanoid but you only lose the ball when it enters the home base in the middle of the screen, not … VIEW
Views: 9,4441991FreewareAdventure
Flogsoli Productions
Spore is a mash-up of genres: In this case, a text adventure game and a Breakout clone. (There is no relation whatsoever … VIEW
Stonebreaker is an Arkanoid clone that doesn't stray too far from its source material. There are bricks, arranged in … VIEW
Super Ball!
Views: 12,0831992SharewareBall & Paddle
Raoul Said
Super Ball! is a fun Breakout/Arkanoid clone from the creator of the somewhat well-known shareware classic "Spitwad … VIEW
Super Tournament Pong
Views: 10,8381994FreewareBall & Paddle
MWD Software
This is a much improved version of the "oldest" video game ever. (Pong wasn't REALLY the first video game, but it was … VIEW
Views: 12,2201991SharewareBall & Paddle
SuperBlast is a mostly generic Arkanoid clone, where the object is to use your paddle to bounce balls around and break … VIEW