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Big Bang

Views: 2,3451995FreewareSidescrolling Psycore
Big Bang is a overwhelming experience. Also released for the Acorn Archimedes computer platform (which I just learned … VIEW

Charly the Clown

Views: 15,8791996SharewareSidescrolling White Magic
Charly the Clown is a simple platformer game where you play as the titular Charly, a clown who for whatever reason has … VIEW


Views: 7,3381993FreewareSidescrolling Anonymous / Unknown
Clown is a game released anonymously, without a title screen, so the name given to it is based on its executable name. … VIEW

The Lost Clown

Views: 10,7061993SharewareSidescrolling Stephen Walther
The Lost Clown is what you might call a "strategic platformer." While it looks and generally plays like a typical action … VIEW

Super Trix

Super Trix is a promotional game for the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth; it's Israeli name is Xסופר טריק … VIEW

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