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Black Knight: Marine Strike Fighter SE

Views: 20,3951995SharewareSimulation / Strategy SE SoftwareFormGen
Black Knight: Marine Strike Fighter is a F/A-18 flight simulator with a long, relatively complex name which hits at the … VIEW

Corncob 3D

Views: 24,3621996SharewareSimulation / Strategy MVP Software
Corncob 3D was one of the first shareware "3D" flight simulation games available. Its graphics are quite primitive by … VIEW

Falcon 3.0

Falcon 3.0 is a F-16 flight simulator game that sold over 700,000 copies by the end of the 90's. As you might expect, it … VIEW

Flight Action

Flight Action is a flight simulator game that goes a bit less heavy on the intricate controls and tries to give you a … VIEW

Jetfighter III

Jetfighter III is an action-packed simulation of a fighter plane, including the F/A-18 and the naval F-22N. Although the … VIEW


Jetset is a very early flight simulation program which was originally published in the November 1982 issue of BYTE … VIEW

LHX Attack Chopper

LHX Attack Chopper was a game some of my grade-school chums were heavily into back in the day. (Gee, I feel old ...) … VIEW

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