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Jazz Jackrabbit

Views: 48,6191992Shareware (Full version available)Sidescrolling Epic Megagames
A pretty cool platform game that tries to borrow from Sonic the Hedgehog, with mixed results. It actually plays a bit … VIEW

Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1994

Views: 26,0361994FreewareSidescrolling Epic Megagames
This special freeware version of the classic Sonic-inspired jumping & shooting game from Epic Megagames was released at … VIEW

Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1995

Views: 20,8501995FreewareSidescrolling Epic Megagames
Already played Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare 1994 and want more Jazz action? This is the follow-up to the 1994 … VIEW

Tricky Quiky Games

This promotional platform game from Nestle Germany has you running around as the the Nestle Bunny (aka "Quiky") … VIEW

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