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Views: 12,8881988FreewareTetris Style Loren Blaney
The included documentation describes Textris as follows: "Textris is a cross between Tetris and Scrabble. The idea is to … VIEW

Textris (original)

Views: 2,3801996SharewareTetris Style Thomas G. Hanlin III
Textris by Thomas G. Hanlin III is the original version of Textris by Loren Blaney. So if this isn't the Textris that … VIEW


Views: 10,4731992SharewareTetris Style Acumen Software
TextTris is a twist on the traditional Tetris/Falling blocks game, in that the object is to try to spell words with the … VIEW


Views: 10,3241997FreewareTetris Style sverx
If you've ever played the Sega classic Columns (or one of the many knockoffs) you know what to expect from 'Three'. The … VIEW


Views: 9,1862004FreewareTetris Style Ben Hanke
TinyTris does one thing, and it does it pretty well: It clones the GameBoy version of Tetris. (Specifically the "A-type" … VIEW


Views: 2,8131994SharewarePuzzle Cascoly Software
Towers is described as a Tetris-like game but it doesn't have much in common with it. You are given pieces of various … VIEW


Views: 8,3461996Full versionTetris Style Evan Salomon and Phillip Bailey
Tristix is a Tetris-inspired game that adds a couple of new elements to the typical Tetris formula: * Random special … VIEW
Tags: tetris  puzzle


Tubes is an interesting combination of several falling block style games, most notably KLAX. Here your goal, as in KLAX, … VIEW

Ultris: The Ultimate Tetris

Views: 11,3461992SharewareTetris Style David Pritchard
Ultris is a more impressive package than it first appears. Described by the then-14-year-old author as "The Ultimate … VIEW


Views: 10,6771997FreewareTetris Style The Clusters
Based on the classic Columns game (which is itself a variant or new direction of Tetris), Vertrix has you matching up … VIEW

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