Views: 9,1611989SharewareAction
SPETER Software
Aliens is a simple text-mode action game. It's apparently based on "a BASIC program from "The Big Fat Book of Computer … VIEW
Alley Driver
Views: 8,6901991SharewareDriving & Racing
Centaur Software
Alley Driver is a very simple "avoid the objects" game where you pilot your car (red square) and avoid trash cans (white … VIEW
AlphaMan - The New Beginning
Views: 27,2061995SharewareRole Playing (RPG)
Jeffrey R. Olson
AlphaMan is a detailed and intense Roguelike game that differs from many of its ASCII-graphics peers in numerous ways. … VIEW
Anacreon: Reconstruction 4021
Views: 20,3211987FreewareSimulation / Strategy
Thinking Machine Associates
Anacreon is a text-mode strategy game where you take on the role of a totalitarian ruler of a small galactic empire. By … VIEW
Ancient Heroes
Views: 12,3332006FreewareRole Playing (RPG)
Mark Henshaw
Ancient Heroes is a text-mode RPG-ish game where your choices are limited, but such simple gameplay may appeal to some … VIEW
Views: 15,5511989FreewarePuzzle
David Howorth
As its name implies, I found this game quite frustrating at times ... however, if you enjoy 'slider' puzzles (where one … VIEW
Ario Bros
Views: 17,9611983FreewareClassic
David Tretter
Ario Bros is a text-mode version of the classic arcade game Mario Bros. No "Super". This game is fairly impressive given … VIEW
Armchair Quarterback
Views: 9,7951985SharewareSports
Pseudonym Software
Armchair Quarterback is a text-mode American football simulation. You choose your team, flip a coin, and start choosing … VIEW
ASCII Invaders
Views: 28,8332002FreewareClassic
Corey Mercer
ASCII Invaders is, as you might expect, an interpretation of the classic Space Invaders game using nothing but ASCII … VIEW
Views: 26,8692005FreewareGame Creation Systems
Jace Masula
AsciiQuest is a game creation system (referred to in the docs as an "ascii game creation package") that I honestly … VIEW