Billy the Kid Returns!
Views: 16,6691990Shareware (Full version available)Sidescrolling
Alive Software
Billy the Kid, based on the wild west outlaw of the same name, mixes different genres together into different episodes. … VIEW
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
Views: 22,3291993DemoAdventure
Sierra On-Line
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist is one of the games that Al Lowe was the primary writer for during his time at … VIEW
Perils of Treasure Mountain
Views: 12,2882017FreewareAdventure
Eigen Lenk
Perils of Treasure Mountain is a modern game done with CGA graphics which easily could pass for being an authentic game … VIEW
Skunny: In the Wild West
Views: 9,0451994SharewareSidescrolling
The Skunny platformer games are widely known (others include Back to the Forest and Save our Pizzas) but not especially … VIEW