Unreal World screenshot
Unreal World gameplay screenshot
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320 × 240
DOSBOX_URW.ZIP - 9,266k - Run URW.EXE to play
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Original archive (urw280.zip, 8,823k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_URW.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox. This file, urw280.zip, is the original and may require installation / setup.

Unreal World screenshot
Unreal World gameplay screenshot
DOSGames.com Review:  Rating: 3.5
Another Roguelike. This one is very indepth, and includes many different features that make it involving to play, such as the huge variety of classes, locations, seasons, etc. It has an emphasis on "northern folklore" (particularly that of the author's native country Finland) rather than the purely fantasy theme of most Roguelike games. Personally, I still prefer Nethack, even though the graphics for URW seem pretty good (for a Roguelike). Check it out if you're a fan of long, involving RPGs. This game is still under active development, and versions for modern operating systems can be found on the official website.
         The UnReal World RPG v2.80
      Playable under DOS/WIN3/95/98/NT
  Req.: 486,8MB,800*600 SVGA,SB [optional]
UrW is a unique  graphical  roguelikish  RPG
taking place in the far North  ages  ago. It
brings you realistic game world with lots of
historical  traits   as   well  as  northern
folklore, beliefs and way of life.  Features
and atmosphere of the game are very original
and fascinating.
- as a member of one of the nine varying
  cultures you'll enter a very realistic,
  enchanting and charming game system&world
- lots of full-of-feeling graphics, pictures
  and original sounds and musics
- play freely or follow various game courses
  in a huge randomly generated world
- skill-based system including tens of
  skills from COOKERY to HIDEWORKING 
- intelligent creatures and fellow-men
- find excitement from the everyday life and
  surviving in the harsh wilderness
- keep up relationships with spiritual world
  and supernatural guardians of the nature
...there are infinite ways to play; as a
fisherman, a hermit seeking for the peace,
a brave adventurer, a rough hunter, a trapper
or a tradesman etc. Everything is up to you.

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CTRL-F12 attempts to speed up game, CTRL-F11 attempts to slow it down.

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The Unreal World, #397. Added to website: 2018-02-04. All copyrights, trademarks, etc, are property of their respective holders.
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