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Views: 7,8961990SharewareTetris Style Soleau Software
Cuber is a falling block game, so it's sort of a derivative of Tetris and Klax, two very popular games in the late 80's … VIEW
Tags: tetris  klax  puzzle  cubes  ega

Cultural Awareness

Views: 9,9361994SharewareMiscellaneous Awareness Productions
Cultural Awareness aims to test your "cultural literacy." It does so by providing a topic, and you type a one-line … VIEW

Cunning Football

Views: 11,0961990SharewareSports Cass Cunningham
Cunning Football is an interesting take on computerized football. (This is football of the American type, not what most … VIEW


Views: 4,1601991SharewarePuzzle Doug Beeferman
Cyberbox is a Sokoban-like block pushing game with a few more features and options than a standard clone. There are … VIEW

Cyberbox 2

Views: 11,2831992SharewarePuzzle Doug Beeferman
If you enjoyed the original Cyberbox puzzle game, you will probably also enjoy Cyberbox 2. The sequel features the same … VIEW


Views: 6,8301999SharewareSimulation / Strategy Gunther Serrano
CyberPony (or Cyber Pony as it's sometimes written) is a horse racing simulator. You see the horses with the odds, place … VIEW

Cycle Warz

Views: 12,3641993SharewareAction VectorScope Software
This is a clone of the Tron / Snakes / Nibbles light-cycle style game where the object is to make your opponent(s) crash … VIEW
Tags: snake  action  nibbles  tron

Cyril Cyberpunk aka Cyberboard Kid

Views: 17,0571996SharewareSidescrolling Reality Studios
Cyril Cyberpunk (aka Cyberboard Kid in some areas) is a platforming game along the lines of mid/late 90's platformers … VIEW


Views: 2,4961990SharewareTetris Style Michael Heyda
Da is a Tetris / Columns type game which attempts to mash the two games together and add new features. Named after the … VIEW

Dark Ages: The Quest For the Kings Orb

Views: 2,0491988SharewareRole Playing (RPG) Scott Esker
Dark Ages: The Quest For the Kings Orb is a very old-school type first-person perspective CRPG. Probably influenced by … VIEW

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