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Views: 2,2171992SharewarePuzzle E. T. S. Inc
Pirada is a single-player puzzle / luck game where the object is to uncover flipped playing cards in a 5 x 5 grid, … VIEW

Plague of the Moon

Views: 16,7571994SharewareAdventure Rebelsoft
Plague of the Moon is a Lucasarts style adventure game. However, it does not approach the Lucasarts level of quality, … VIEW


Views: 5,6771997SharewareTetris Style Tero Viitala & Hari Forsgren
Plastris is another Tetris clone, described as "Simply the Best Tetris Clone Ever Made" which is debatable, but it does … VIEW
Tags: tetris  puzzle  blocks

Platform Heels

Views: 9,4721991SharewareSidescrolling Ian Warmby
This text-mode platforming game has you controlling "Heels" (a robot apparently) which needs to navigate its way through … VIEW

PLBM Pong-Out

Views: 11,9751998SharewareBall & Paddle PLBM Games
This is the most basic, no-frills version of pong and also a version of "Brickout" (aka Breakout/Arkanoid/etc) that I've … VIEW


Views: 11,5151993SharewarePuzzle Soleau Software
Plix is another unique puzzle game from Soleau Software. In this game the object is to push around sliding blocks on a … VIEW


Views: 7,5801990SharewarePuzzle Soleau Software
Plotz! is an exuberant and obscure early game from Soleau Software, who would go on to publish a ridiculous number of … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  squares  cga


Plunder is a strange exploration game which uses textmode. You play an archaeologist, and the object is to search for … VIEW


Views: 11,2681995SharewarePuzzle Lee Gaiteri
Action-puzzle games are faily rare, but this one probably could qualify as both. The goal is to collect as much gold and … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  action  gold


Views: 14,8931993SharewarePuzzle SwordSoft
POD is a simple puzzle game where the object is to traverse over all of the tiles on the board without falling off. (No … VIEW
Tags: puzzle  space  tiles  ega

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