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Alien Carnage

Also known as "Halloween Harry" (not sure why the name change occurred) this is one of the lesser-known titles from … VIEW

The Crimson Crown

Views: 15,7481986Full versionAdventure Polarware
Transylvania II: The Crimson Crown is the sequel to Polarware's Transylvania graphical adventure game. Really, a text … VIEW

Haunted House Sounds

Views: 2,6551991SharewareMiscellaneous Larry Tipton
Haunted House Sounds is a special F/X sound board with a spooky, Halloween theme. It was created by Larry Tipton, who … VIEW

Hugo's House of Horrors

Views: 52,7861991Shareware (Full version available)Adventure Gray Design Associates
This game is the first in the Hugo trilogy of graphical adventure games. Done in the style of those classic Sierra … VIEW

Monster Bash

Views: 26,7271993Shareware (Full version available)Sidescrolling Apogee Software
This is another of Apogee's EGA sidescrollers. This one is lesser known because it was a bit outdated when it was … VIEW

Smashing Pumpkins into Small Piles of Putrid Debris

Views: 13,3561996Full versionAction Jamul Software
Smashing Pumpkins into Small Piles of Putrid Debris has the distinction of sharing the title for longest/weirdest game … VIEW


Views: 23,3431986Full versionAdventure Polarware
In the realm of spooky DOS horror games appropriate for Halloween, there are not many that come to mind that are able to … VIEW

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