Category description: Action games focus on fast reflexes and eye-hand coordination. Since the earliest arcade games, video games have required expert timing, memorization, and quick player responses. In contrast to more cerebral text adventures or strategy games, action games get the heart pumping and the pulse racing.
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Annihilator Tank

Views: 3,0271996SharewareAction Andrew McNab
Annihilator Tank is an example of a game that looks good and has a lot of potential but is let down by the way the game … VIEW
Tags: action  3d  tanks  tank  war  shooting

Ant Attack

Views: 17,4691994SharewareAction Dataware (Texas)
Ant Attack is a action game which includes a little strategy but mainly it's a race to kill the (giant? mutant?) ants … VIEW
Tags: action  strategy  ants  bugs

Ant Hill 1 & 2

Views: 1,7821991Full versionAction Chris Busch
Ant Hill is an action / adventure game where you must explore the home of giant, murderous ants and other insect … VIEW

Apocalypse Cow

Views: 4,2811996SharewareAction Pinata Fatala
Apocalypse Cow is a strange two-player competitive deathmatch game where you fire cows at each other, attempting to … VIEW

Armed Worms

Views: 2,8611997SharewareAction Jonas Kukkonen
Armed Worms is a Snake or Nibbles style game for two players. You each control a snake, and when you eat things, your … VIEW

Assault Trooper

Views: 31,1601997FreewareAction Spectrum Pacific Publishing
Assault Trooper is an isometric action game where you are sent on various military missions, such as infiltrating the … VIEW

Assault Wing

Views: 11,5201998FreewareAction Studfarm Studios
Assault Wing is a multiplayer action / deathmath game where you pilot your space ships against each-other in a … VIEW


Views: 2,8941989SharewareAction Christopher G. Gunn
AxTrons is an action / strategy game where you battle ten opponents ("ClyAxistrons") on each screen. You must collect … VIEW

Backlash: A Turret Gunner Simulation

Views: 21,1631991SharewareAction Sanctuary Software Studio
Backlash: A Turret Gunner Simulation is pretty much what its title indicates. Although its presentation in terms of its … VIEW

Ball Blazing Fantasy

Views: 14,3002003FreewareAction Lachie Dazdarian
Ball Blazing Fantasy, despite how the name may sound, is actually not NSFW. (So, safe for work ...) It has two quite … VIEW

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