Category description: Action games focus on fast reflexes and eye-hand coordination. Since the earliest arcade games, video games have required expert timing, memorization, and quick player responses. In contrast to more cerebral text adventures or strategy games, action games get the heart pumping and the pulse racing.
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Burnt Rubber

Views: 2,5201996SharewareAction Dan Burke
Burnt Rubber is a simple and violent game where the object is to run over people and animals with your car. Unlike Grand … VIEW

The Burps

Views: 12,0211993FreewareAction Ovine by Design
The Burps is apparently a homage to the 1983 game Atic Atac, a game which I had never heard of until just now. You … VIEW


Views: 27,6132000FreewareAction Ronny Wester
The sequel to Cyberdogs, C-Dogs improves the original Cyberdogs gameplay formula in some ways. The game involves you … VIEW

Cannon Fodder

Views: 38,5091993Shareware (Full version available)Action Sensible SoftwareVirgin Interactive
Cannon Fodder is an action-oriented strategy game where you control a team of up to six soldiers on various missions. … VIEW

Captain Eric

Views: 13,3361992SharewareAction PC Solutions
Captain Eric is a vaguely Gauntlet-like game that involves avoiding or shooting enemies ("aliens"), collecting powerups, … VIEW
Tags: action  maze  gauntlet  ega


This demo version of the formerly popular car racing / gore game give you a taste of what the full game had to offer; … VIEW
Tags: action  driving  cars  violent  3d


Views: 17,4531990DemoAction Softdisk Publishing
Before the Catacomb series went 3D, it started as a 2D action / maze / Gauntlet-like game. Similarly to how Wolfenstein … VIEW
Tags: action  maze  gauntlet  ega

The Catacombs of Nemon

Views: 14,4701983FreewareAction Ron Dubren Associates
The Catacombs of Nemon is not an RPG/adventure game, as you might assume from its name. In fact in this game you play as … VIEW

Catch the Kreis

Views: 4,7362001FreewareAction Dregen Rocks
Catch the Kreis is a simple game where the object is to move around your 'X' to catch the 'O' (a "Kreis", or circle). … VIEW
Tags: action  catch  kreis

Cave Speed

Views: 7,5491999FreewareAction Knut Stanley Jacobsen
Cave Speed is a text-mode falling-down-a-well type game, similar to Deep II, Pitfall (no, not THAT Pitfall) and … VIEW

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