Category description: Action games focus on fast reflexes and eye-hand coordination. Since the earliest arcade games, video games have required expert timing, memorization, and quick player responses. In contrast to more cerebral text adventures or strategy games, action games get the heart pumping and the pulse racing.
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Sango Fighter

Views: 31,1241993Full versionAction Panda Entertainment
Sango Fighter is a game that looks better than it actually plays. Inspired by the extremely popular Street Fighter … VIEW

Sango Fighter 2

Views: 26,0601995Full versionAction Panda Entertainment
Sango Fighter 2 is more of an updated and improved remake of the original than it is a totally new game. Like the first … VIEW

Save Larisa

Views: 5,5221998SharewareAction Matthew Raftery
Save Larisa is a simple text-mode game apparently named after the old "The Secret World of Alex Mack" TV show. Sure why … VIEW

Scubaman's Quest

Views: 12,2411994Shareware (Full version available)Action Alive Software
The scubaman's quest is apparently to collect treasure and avoid angry sharks and other angry sea creatures. You control … VIEW

Sergeant Duffy and the Kidnapped Scientist

Views: 4,7711993FreewareAction Jeremy Thielen
Sergeant Duffy & the Kidnapped Scientist is not a good game. It's definitely made by someone who was experimenting with … VIEW

Set the Hostages Free

Views: 10,4471981FreewareAction TexaSoft
Set the Hostages Free is an interesting game concept, created in 1981 (!) using color ASCII text-mode "graphics". Your … VIEW


Views: 8,2351990SharewareAction Herringbone Software
Shaft is a monochrome textmode action game which has some similarities to the classic arcade game Elevator Action, but a … VIEW


Views: 8,4611994SharewareAction Andromeda Industries
Sim-Pizza is not a simulation game like the classic Pizza Tycoon game. Rather it is an action/arcade game somewhat like … VIEW


Views: 10,0141986FreewareAction Rick Dean
Skiing (or "DOWNHILL.EXE") is a very simple text-mode downhill skiing game. You use the F, G, and H keys to steer your … VIEW


Views: 25,5561993Full versionAction BlueMoon Interactive
Neat flying/driving/jumping/3D game. As you can tell, it's hard to describe. Basically it's a 3D 'racing' game, but … VIEW
Tags: action  racing  flying  jumping  3d

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