Category description: Action games focus on fast reflexes and eye-hand coordination. Since the earliest arcade games, video games have required expert timing, memorization, and quick player responses. In contrast to more cerebral text adventures or strategy games, action games get the heart pumping and the pulse racing.
Views: 10,1901992SharewareAction
Eugene Lin
While Xyphr may seem, from its screenshot, to resemble such classic games as Space Harrier, Afterburner, Top Gun, or … VIEW
The Zero Hour
Views: 1,0041988SharewareAction
R. Salgado Crew
The Zero Hour seems to take inspiration from the popular 80's arcade game Star Wars. It's a first-person perspective … VIEW
Views: 7,8262013FreewareAction
Mateusz Viste
Zmiy is a clone of the classic QBasic example game Nibbles, aka Snake and various other names. The goal is to eat the … VIEW
Views: 3,2141997FreewareAction
Hypothermia Software
Zombies is a simplistic game about zombie slaying. In what plays like an extremely dumbed-down version of Vampire … VIEW