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Views: 8,4311992SharewareRole Playing (RPG) Progressive Software
Rayx is a strange RPG game which doesn't provide nearly enough instructions as would seem to be necessary. It is an … VIEW
Tags: rpg  overhead  fantasy  ega

Deep Fortress: The First Line of Defense

Views: 11,2851996SharewareSpace Shooting First Step Software
This helicopter shooting game boasts pretty impressive effects and production values for a mostly unknown shareware … VIEW


Views: 14,8332004FreewareSpace Shooting Kronoman
KRaptor is a freeware clone/homage of the popular Apogee Software game Raptor. The basic design and gameplay is the … VIEW

Prehistorik 2

Views: 25,5811993DemoSidescrolling Titus Interactive
Prehistorik 2 is a platforming game with simple controls and gameplay, but a lot of polish. You are a caveman and need … VIEW

The Great Space Shit III

Views: 8,9121991SharewareSpace Shooting Jari Jääskeläinen
The Great Space Shit III is the first ever game added to this website with a swear word in the title. It's not clear why … VIEW


Views: 10,5561986FreewareAction Third Party Software
Fury has no relation to Fury3, the Windows-based adaption of Terminal Velocity. Rather it is an overhead action game … VIEW

Hoosier City

Views: 9,1321992Full versionAdventure WetwareMVP Software
Hoosier City is a Zelda-inspired action/adventure/puzzle game with decent EGA graphics, bad controls, and generally … VIEW


Views: 64,0891993SharewareBall & Paddle The Bit Bucket Brothers
Paranoid is another ball & paddle game. It features EGA graphics, PC speaker sound effects, and powerups to collect. The … VIEW

The Dezerian Assignment Code Name: Redkey

Views: 7,0311992SharewareRole Playing (RPG) Steven Englestad
The Dezerian Assignment Code Name: Redkey is a verbosely named RPG game that presents some interesting and innovative … VIEW
Tags: rpg  scifi  overhead  driving  ega

Xeno Ball

Views: 10,1541995SharewarePuzzle Mad DataHomebrew Software
Xeno Ball (sometimes written XenoBall) is an action/puzzle game which takes the Pipe Dream mechanic of placing tiles to … VIEW

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