Tricky Quiky Games
This promotional platform game from Nestle Germany has you running around as the the Nestle Bunny (aka "Quiky") … VIEW
Menace of Dr Spoil Sport
Views: 13,6361992Shareware3D Shooting
David Leithauser
Oh no! Dr Spoil Sport plans to destroy the Earth with his super laser on his floating space station! Only YOU can stop … VIEW
Views: 26,9182005FreewareGame Creation Systems
Jace Masula
AsciiQuest is a game creation system (referred to in the docs as an "ascii game creation package") that I honestly … VIEW
Crystal Jane
Views: 10,7732004FreewareSidescrolling
Upr00ted Tree Software
This platforming game is as basic as it gets. It seems like a "first game" sort of project that, while incredibly … VIEW
Aldo 2: Aldo Again
Views: 16,5631989SharewareSidescrolling
David and Benjamin Ibach
Aldo Again is the sequel to Aldo's Adventure, which is itself a clone / extension of Nintendo's Donkey Kong game. The … VIEW
Balloon Challenge
Views: 46,4571993SharewarePuzzle
Soleau Software
Balloon Challenge is a puzzle game with much in common with several of Soleau Software's other similar EGA/VGA puzzle … VIEW
Skunny Kart
Views: 21,7951993SharewareDriving & Racing
It looks like Mario Kart, and suspiciously was released the same year as Apogee's Wacky Wheels. (The story goes that … VIEW
Fall-Zone II
Views: 8,9121991SharewarePuzzle
PC Solutions
Fall-Zone II (sometimes just Fall-Zone in the executable) is a simple game where the object is to collect hearts on the … VIEW