Secret Agent
Views: 37,7551992Shareware (Full version available)Sidescrolling
Apogee Software
A fun platform game from Apogee which includes a lot of gameplay value. This game uses the same engine (and some of the … VIEW
Skunny: Save Our Pizzas!
Views: 18,5461993SharewareSidescrolling
Save Our Pizzas is another Copysoft game featuring their Skunny character, a squirrel of some sort. The object here is … VIEW
Views: 11,7821996FreewareSidescrolling
Dem Innovations
Santaman is a jumping/shooting game that is somewhat reminiscent of Jumpman or Lode Runner. The object is to collect the … VIEW
Robomaze II: The Lobby
Robomaze 2 is an EGA sidescrolling game made by MVP Software. The game involves lots of jumping and item collection, as … VIEW
Views: 18,3431989FreewareSidescrolling
XOR Corporation
Roboman's job is to jump around various one-screen levels and pop balloons for points until he uncovers the hidden key … VIEW
Realms Of Chaos
Views: 20,0921995Shareware (Full version available)Sidescrolling
Apogee Software
Realms of Chaos is a mostly unknown sidescrolling game by Apogee which is similar to their other sidescrolling games … VIEW
Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame
Views: 43,5661993DemoSidescrolling
Brøderbund Software
This is the demo (ie. limited trial) version of the sequel to the classic "Prince of Persia" game. It involves more of … VIEW
Pickle Wars
Pickle Wars is a sidescrolling shooting, jumping, and item collection game. The gameplay itself is fairly basic, the … VIEW
Pharaoh's Tomb
It's a classic! Apogee Software (who went on to publish Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, and many other famous games) … VIEW
Peach's Dream
Views: 12,7291998FreewareSidescrolling
MWD Software
This is a good-looking VGA sidescrolling game with some adventure elements, as well. You're play the hero on her quest … VIEW